
Friday 26 September 2014

What is that? (Τι είναι αυτό;) 2007

Wednesday 24 September 2014

I'm back on track with the training and getting ready for a little party on Friday

After all traveling this summer I can say I'm back on track with my training. It was hard at the beginning but now it's easy to get back to the gym, at least mentally ;)

I'm having a party on Friday. Felt it was time for one. Will there be drama? Will find out on Friday..

Saturday 20 September 2014

My first interview

Had my first interview yesterday and it went well. I hope it's my first job through my company!

It's weekend. Time for some music

Sunday 31 August 2014

We just entered the world of making music

Me and my friend Johan decided to reveal us to the music industry that we are guys to count on!

We started the day watching tutorials of the music application that we want to use. Electronic music with crossover-with something else might be the key to success. We got our music app, Johans xbox synth and our brains, hopefully containing creativity

Other than that we have no idea, no plan and no goal.

Lets make some noise. Hopefully not hideous noise.