
Showing posts with label beard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beard. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Me with beard?

Would I look good with beard?

One of my friends got a fluffy beard and he got the Chuck Norris look. The beard looks nice on him but I tried growing once but it itches like crazy.

I’m thinking of buying a fake beard just to see people’s reaction. Would save me some time and maybe get some laughs. Will update you about it if I get one.

The company site is soon finished. Did work on it with my cousin tonight and we had a productive night expect that he got some chest pain but it stopped thanks God. I told him he got me worried. The site isn’t finished yet so he can’t leave me in a sudden. His reply was quite nasty in words but with a laugh. I can say a bad joke like that because my mom isn’t around. If she was around or read my blog I would be in trouble. My mom didn’t raise a fool. I just became one ;) My mom don’t like this kind of humor. Especially when family members got sick or just passed away. So what I'm trying to say is I'm staying away from mom when I say less tasteful shit!


Just don't get the wrong impression. I love my mom and I call my parents almost every day :)

Fasting month has begun so I won’t go to the gym for a month. My knee problem stopped me before summer but shit happens but will get back and get to that goal I can promise you!