
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Saturday 12 April 2014

Games and meditation

Yesterday I had lots of fun. Didn't plan for anything but maybe you enjoy it most when it's not planned?

Went out with friends as usual and nothing special about that expect we started talking with some opera singers. They were nice and social so my friend invited them home for after party at his place. It as the time went we had more fun and started play a quiz. The quiz is to only ask questions and not answering or repeat same question to the one its directed to. It doesn't sound as fun so you need to test it but we enjoyed that game and it was entertaining. After a while all got tired and from nowhere all seemed laying down on the floor looking at the roof so I put on some relaxing yoga music in the background for fun. We started to act like it was a yoga session with one of us leading the session and we succeeded each other as yoga instructors. We sucked at it and that is what it made it so fun to do it.

You might think it was boring but that was a night to remember and it was yesterday. 

Sunday 6 April 2014

How to socialize

Went out with friends and one of my friends is really good starting conversations with people so asked him if he could show me in action and instead he got himself thrown out of the pub under 30 seconds. I haven't laughed so much in a long time :)

Sunday 16 March 2014

Gym day and visit parents

Good evening friends!

I visited my parents yesterday. I knew that my dad was fixing stuff in the balcony and wanted me to help him. I planned myself to go to the gym before that until my mom called me and ordered me to come directly to them and help. I wouldn't mind being at the gym yesterday but didn't want parents getting pissed so skipped going to the gym.

Helped my dad and while I did that he talked to me like I'm two years old that don' know what to do :)

One nice thing though was I noticed that my dad was going to sell the family's exercise bike on the net and put stop to that. I confiscated it!

After visiting my parents I was invited to dinner at friends place. It was nice and after we watched gladiators and Starcraft 2 on TV. I don't usually watch Gladiators because it's boring.  They should change the concept of the games to make it more exciting. This is from one Gladiators posting at a bus stop I took.

Here is a beautiful gladiator. I don't know what she's called but we can call her Cleavage.

Here we can see her piercing. The young Dolph Lundgren dude seems to like it.

Here we can see a Lucy Liu Charlie's Angels copy with a sword. It would be really interesting if she used a sword in the contests. Then we can call it entertainment. Slice up the opponent if needed.

If it was up to me I would change the concept of the game. Switch so gladiators is the challengers. The participants should be like odd people in large team trying to stop the gladiators. Like physically weak nerds that don't exercise or have no coordination would fit perfect as candidates to the show. Would be more entertaining in my opinion.

Today I got time to go to the gym and came one step closer to reach my dream to become a gladiator.. 

After the gym my parents came over and visited me. My mom got pissed because I haven't washed the dishes and mom started cleaning. I told her we should do this more often but she replied that I should get a wife for that.

Anyway my parents came with the exercise bike today!

Watch out Nick. I will challenge you on the bike one day!