
Showing posts with label event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Back from break

Hi all!

During my absense I participated in business to business event with my company and it went great. Got some meetings and went to my first one yesterday. It went great so I will meet up with them for a second meeting. Got some more booked so hope that I can reach some deals or become a partner.

Going well at the gym but I gained some weight but also muscles. If a can get ripped it would look nice :)

Check this dude. Impressive and got selfconfidence!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

The weekend

This Friday me and my friends saw a group play electronic music. Never heard of them before and forgot the name of the group too.  Nothing to remember.

On Saturday we decided to go to Santa Cruz. It was a lovely day and we met with a dude working in a restaurant that invited us to chill at the beach next to a bonfire. It was great and he entertained us with his rap and singing. Some got drunk and I drove all home. It wasn't the easiest task of them all ;)

On Sunday we visited Alcatraz.