
Showing posts with label hugh jackman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hugh jackman. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 April 2014

From idea to entrepreneurs - Start-up meeting 2

Today or more correctly yesterday since it's a new day I had a meeting about how to take an idea and make business from it. It started me getting stuck on the subway...

When I came couple of minutes late I thought I entered the wrong room. It was filled with women. Thought I entered a meeting for women creating companies. I know there is meetings like that but it was the right place. Over 80% of the participants were women. I was surprised. Didn't expect that coming. Asked why and got the answer that men probably just do things and fix later while women are more careful and plan more before taking the step.

Besides that, I saw the movie Prisoners starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. It was good, but not WOW-good.