
Showing posts with label opera singer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opera singer. Show all posts

Saturday 12 April 2014

Games and meditation

Yesterday I had lots of fun. Didn't plan for anything but maybe you enjoy it most when it's not planned?

Went out with friends as usual and nothing special about that expect we started talking with some opera singers. They were nice and social so my friend invited them home for after party at his place. It as the time went we had more fun and started play a quiz. The quiz is to only ask questions and not answering or repeat same question to the one its directed to. It doesn't sound as fun so you need to test it but we enjoyed that game and it was entertaining. After a while all got tired and from nowhere all seemed laying down on the floor looking at the roof so I put on some relaxing yoga music in the background for fun. We started to act like it was a yoga session with one of us leading the session and we succeeded each other as yoga instructors. We sucked at it and that is what it made it so fun to do it.

You might think it was boring but that was a night to remember and it was yesterday.