
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Monday 4 August 2014

Back from trip and on a new trip

Came back from my trip last week and no time to blog. I passed by several countries in Europe with train and got back to Stockholm last week. Enjoyed the trip but it was exhausting. Now I'm on a new trip. Work related. 

I'm in London baby!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Weekend and San Fransisco

You might think I'm quite lazy not posting on the blog but had stuff to take care of. Yesterday was a nice day. A friend had a birthday party and we laughed, we got pissed of at each other and some drunk friends started wrestling me and put some crisps in my pants. Pretty much the usual stuff.

Today I took the tour bus in Stockholm. Not to explore the city but to hang with a nice friend. He complained about everyone in his way while he was driving the bus. I was quite entertained. They should do a show about his day and film it.

To something else. I'm going to visit an friend at San Fransisco for two weeks. This trip I will call vacation compared to the one in Egypt. 1 day left and hopefully I will visit the American continent for the first time on Tuesday.