
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Sunday 15 June 2014

Sometimes I need to motivate myself

No time or energy lately but I'm back again for this time. My dad did a surgery for cancer so haven't been in mood for writing. I've also been working on my company to get clients. Going well and making progress.

Friday 14 March 2014

Power nap

I felt really tired today so decided to take a nap before going to the gym and slept to long. Supposed to be the motivator but no motivation this time.

What the heck. It's Friday baby and be ready to party! To welcome weekend I have a clip from an event called Out of Office that is staged last Friday every month. In the clip you can see The artist Dr. Alban and some dancers.

It was a nice Friday, that Friday! You can see the balls flying around. I sent one of those and hit one of the dancers in the head and next time I sent one that landed on the DJ-set and turned of the music.

Well get ready for Friday!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Stockholm start-up

It seem to become a tradition to post so late. Will work on that for all my readers if I have any!

Today I had a meeting for people that want to start their own company. I felt excitement over coming one step closer but I missed the subway and they won't let anyone in 5 minutes after they start the meeting. The meeting started 16:45 and I had to run my ass of to get there to 16:50. I ran like Usain Bolt. When I arrived they told me the meeting started 16:30. Mixed up the time :)

Well, I got some warm-up and went to the gym instead all sweaty.. so I did something today!

If you think of starting a company in Sweden you should check www.startupstockholm.se

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Motivate my dad

It's only 3 in the morning and I thought it's time for a new post.

I've been trying for a long long time to encourage my dad to workout but haven't succeed. The other day I told him that I will give him 1000 Kr for each kilo he drops. That's around 150 dollars each kilo. My mother wasn't fond of it but if I can't motivate my dad I need to change tactic.

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner orlater have to find time for illness.
Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby, speech (1873)

It took me some time to remember this good quote. I had to "Google it".

Will update you if this will work in a week or two!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

My first post

Good evening my friends!

This is a big day or more correctly night because writing my first post around midnight. I started this blog a couple of weeks ago but I didn't put time on posting on it until now.

So who am I? am I the dude with the blog you've been waiting for?

Probably not!

Not the dude or the blog, BUT maybe you'll find time read what's on my mind or how my day was. Maybe my posts can entertain you or inspire you to open your eyes or see things in a different perspective.

For now you can call me Baselito, your personal motivator. Yes, your personal motivator. I set the bar high thinking I can motivate people but time will tell if I'll live up to that name. What will I write about is determined by what I've experienced during my day.