
Showing posts with label bribe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bribe. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Bribe the police

Today I was supposed to visit the museum in Cairo. Me and my cousin went to the checkpoint outside the museum and my cousin got stopped. His visa expired couple weeks ago and the police were going to take him to jail and deport him to Syria instead of letting him in. We took a walk with the police and they wanted a bribe. I only had 50 Egyptian pound and they weren't satisfied but got tired of us, took the money and let us go. Will try to visit the museum tomorrow instead. 

On the way home we saw a funny fight between two mini bus drivers. They argued about who should take the first group of passengers and it got to fistfight. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Motivate my dad

It's only 3 in the morning and I thought it's time for a new post.

I've been trying for a long long time to encourage my dad to workout but haven't succeed. The other day I told him that I will give him 1000 Kr for each kilo he drops. That's around 150 dollars each kilo. My mother wasn't fond of it but if I can't motivate my dad I need to change tactic.

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner orlater have to find time for illness.
Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby, speech (1873)

It took me some time to remember this good quote. I had to "Google it".

Will update you if this will work in a week or two!