
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Sunday 31 August 2014

We just entered the world of making music

Me and my friend Johan decided to reveal us to the music industry that we are guys to count on!

We started the day watching tutorials of the music application that we want to use. Electronic music with crossover-with something else might be the key to success. We got our music app, Johans xbox synth and our brains, hopefully containing creativity

Other than that we have no idea, no plan and no goal.

Lets make some noise. Hopefully not hideous noise.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

The weekend

This Friday me and my friends saw a group play electronic music. Never heard of them before and forgot the name of the group too.  Nothing to remember.

On Saturday we decided to go to Santa Cruz. It was a lovely day and we met with a dude working in a restaurant that invited us to chill at the beach next to a bonfire. It was great and he entertained us with his rap and singing. Some got drunk and I drove all home. It wasn't the easiest task of them all ;)

On Sunday we visited Alcatraz.