
Thursday 7 August 2014

Giving gifts doesn't make you gay and I saw Alexander Gustafsson at the club.

I bought some souvenirs to some nice people during my visits in Italy, Germany and UK. Yesterday I went out and gave a souvenir to a bouncer at a nightclub. He's nice and greets me every time I come by. When I met him next time he said that he has a girlfriend. I started laughing. Had to explain for him that it was just a souvenir, not a didlo.

By the way, I saw MMA fighter Alexander Gustafsson at the club. I wish that he had time for a pic but he only shook my hand. Better than nothing. It would have been better if he had time to take a pic of me on my phone because I looked nice yesterday.

Monday 4 August 2014

Back from trip and on a new trip

Came back from my trip last week and no time to blog. I passed by several countries in Europe with train and got back to Stockholm last week. Enjoyed the trip but it was exhausting. Now I'm on a new trip. Work related. 

I'm in London baby!

Thursday 31 July 2014

Tuesday 15 July 2014