
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Don't use fat burners before sleeping

You'll end upp not sleeping...

08:00 in the morning and still awake.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Office chair

I went to a warehouse the other day and ordered an office chair for my back problems.
The one I ordered

My old one isn’t ergonomic so it was time for change. I ordered a used one but it looks like new when they change fabric on it but for a much decent price. A new cost double or three times as much. When I came home later that day I found a similar model to the one I ordered from the same brand. I thought maybe someone were moving out but at night I still saw the chair in the hallway so I took it. It looked filthy and I in normal circumstances wouldn’t take it to use but I mailed the warehouse and they can change fabric and fix it or buy it from me.

Garbage for some and money for someone else! 

Saturday 5 July 2014


Got some backpains and tested reflexologi the other day. It helped.

Booked acupuncture and massage for next session. It's supposed to focus more on the areas itself.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Me with beard?

Would I look good with beard?

One of my friends got a fluffy beard and he got the Chuck Norris look. The beard looks nice on him but I tried growing once but it itches like crazy.

I’m thinking of buying a fake beard just to see people’s reaction. Would save me some time and maybe get some laughs. Will update you about it if I get one.

The company site is soon finished. Did work on it with my cousin tonight and we had a productive night expect that he got some chest pain but it stopped thanks God. I told him he got me worried. The site isn’t finished yet so he can’t leave me in a sudden. His reply was quite nasty in words but with a laugh. I can say a bad joke like that because my mom isn’t around. If she was around or read my blog I would be in trouble. My mom didn’t raise a fool. I just became one ;) My mom don’t like this kind of humor. Especially when family members got sick or just passed away. So what I'm trying to say is I'm staying away from mom when I say less tasteful shit!


Just don't get the wrong impression. I love my mom and I call my parents almost every day :)

Fasting month has begun so I won’t go to the gym for a month. My knee problem stopped me before summer but shit happens but will get back and get to that goal I can promise you!

Sunday 29 June 2014

Talking about the serious stuff

Sometimes you need to talk about serious things and this weekend me and some friends did that. What would we do if we were billionaires. I've would have just rented a supercar over the summer because of the bad weather we have in Sweden rest of the year and rent a newer next year. A friend disagreed because he loves cars and would buy one. The third one would buy a submarine and travel the world with all friends. There would be parties and fun on the submarine. One of our friends got a girlfriend so he would be locked up behind bars to keep him away from the fun and out of trouble. At the same time he would see how much fun the rest have.

From serious stuff to real stuff. I'm soon finished with the homepage and will do marketing for my comapny to get some work to my employees. If it goes as planned I would employ more because the demand of developers is high.

Hate ironing clothes so my newest buy from the net is a fabric steamer. I sent it to HQ (mom) for test and review.