
Friday 27 June 2014

How me and my cousin works to get something done

It's not easy to finish my company’s homepage. My cousin is supposed to fix our page but either he's at work or the electricity is out where he lives.

But today was a productive day. We got time to get some work on the page and time to talk to each other. It wasn't work-talk. It was the kind you don't speak next to parents talk.

After we exchanged disgusting words with each other for over 3 hours we ended for the day when the electricity went out again.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Under fire

Just doing my thing and blogging isn't top priority.

I came under fire from mom the other day. She was angry that I bought gifts/perfume for her and my sisters but not my dad when I was in San Fransisco. Mom told me to buy perfume and tell my dad it's from San Fransisco but forgot to give it to him. My dad doesn't know about my blog, infact he doesn't know what a blog is so he won't read this :)

Got him a Hugo Boss Bottle something.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Sometimes I need to motivate myself

No time or energy lately but I'm back again for this time. My dad did a surgery for cancer so haven't been in mood for writing. I've also been working on my company to get clients. Going well and making progress.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

I'm back

Haven't been feeling writing the past week. We have our bad and good days and I had some bad days lately. We all have those days and now it's time for some good I hope.

Started going back to the gym. It's really hard mentally to get back after being away for a month. Feel that I need to take a couple of steps back to get back were I left. Lost strength and my muscles are sore. To much junk food and Oreo cookies on that made me fat. Well, that's the price but it tasted good and!

I've been working on my company and I got myself a printer yesterday. Finally... Next week it's time to look up jobs for employees and do PR-stuff. 

Thursday 22 May 2014

My lovely aunt

I'm thankful for the joy and love my aunt gave us. When She knew that I was coming to Egypt to visit her a respirator with a hose going down her ​​throat prevented her from talking. What she thought and wrote on a piece of paper in that moment was that her children would make sure I had a good time and got the food I liked. That is how much she loved me.

May She and all my aunts that passed away rest in peace 

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Back to training

I ate to much junk during my traveling. Did jog yesterday but I felt far from being in shape.

But it's good to be back on track :)

Saturday 17 May 2014

British people?

I'm recovering from jet lag but I'm back in Stockholm. For the first time on a flight someone started causing trouble with me. Apparently I stepped on the guys shoes that he took off two times without apologize so he and his idiot wife started yelling at me. I don't know about Brits but is it really necessary to yell at someone? I didn't even know that I stepped on his damn shoes while passing through on the wrong side of the chairs. where I sat it was space to get out from the other side too. Apparently it wasn't the right way.

Swedish people talk in a calm way and tell you that you did step on their shoes. This guy didn't even give me the chance to apologies to him. He took me by the arm and pushed me away so I pushed his arm away. He then thought it was necessary to hit me in the stomach with his elbow. He told me that I had bad manners. I think it comes from the wrong person using violence. Got pissed and really wanted to piss on him but wanted to continue the flight.

One disappointing thing was the flight crews action. They only told me that I should take the correct way. What the f**k? Shouldn't they say something about what he did to me?

First time I take British Airways and will think twice before I travel with them again after how they handled the situation.