
Wednesday 30 April 2014

San Fran here I am!

Arrived yesterday and took it quite easy because I was tired of the jet lag. 

This is my view from my friends apartment. Hi twitter!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Second meeting with potential partner

Yesterday I had my second meeting with my potential business partner.  It went as planned and now the interview process with my employees will start. My first company and with employees. Nice start if everything goes as planned. 

I'm in the airport now waiting for takeoff. Have a nice morning ladies and ladyfriends!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Weekend and San Fransisco

You might think I'm quite lazy not posting on the blog but had stuff to take care of. Yesterday was a nice day. A friend had a birthday party and we laughed, we got pissed of at each other and some drunk friends started wrestling me and put some crisps in my pants. Pretty much the usual stuff.

Today I took the tour bus in Stockholm. Not to explore the city but to hang with a nice friend. He complained about everyone in his way while he was driving the bus. I was quite entertained. They should do a show about his day and film it.

To something else. I'm going to visit an friend at San Fransisco for two weeks. This trip I will call vacation compared to the one in Egypt. 1 day left and hopefully I will visit the American continent for the first time on Tuesday.

Friday 25 April 2014

Last day in Egypt

Couple days ago me and my cousin tried to enter the museum in Cairo but failed because of his expired visa. Next day I was planning to try to visit the museum by myself but before that I took care of some stuff.

Went to UN to see why they aren't helping my sick aunt  because she's a refugee and she has the right for help through them. I got help from a nice person I met in Cairo that worked for UN and put some pressure on them to do something. I went to the Swedish embassy too and they will help to make something happen through UN. I probably gave them at UN some headache and if I did I'm happy of my achievement.

After that I took a taxi to the museum but the traffic was so slow that I walked instead. I found out big gathering of people along next to a building so I stopped and asked some people close by if it was an University and it was. I went in to check it out. Started talking with students and it was nice. 5 min later a guard came and asked what I did there and told him I was studying my master. He asked me for my papers and I just showed my passport and told him I didn't have some with me. The guard escorted me out :)

I had a nice talk with some of them outside before I left

I took some nice pictures from my trip and here are some of them.


Sniff that ass

Waffle with melted white chocolate


Me looking gooooood!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Bribe the police

Today I was supposed to visit the museum in Cairo. Me and my cousin went to the checkpoint outside the museum and my cousin got stopped. His visa expired couple weeks ago and the police were going to take him to jail and deport him to Syria instead of letting him in. We took a walk with the police and they wanted a bribe. I only had 50 Egyptian pound and they weren't satisfied but got tired of us, took the money and let us go. Will try to visit the museum tomorrow instead. 

On the way home we saw a funny fight between two mini bus drivers. They argued about who should take the first group of passengers and it got to fistfight. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Giza pyramids

Yesterday I went to Giza to see the pyramids. At the entrance they charge much more for tourists so I got annoyed about that. My cousins that came with me told me to shut up and go in as one of them. I did so until we got the tickets. Then I put a big smile and told the cashier behind the desk that I'm swede and went away to the gate with the tickets! In their face! 

A guard came up to me and stopped me because of that so we had to give him some pocket money to let me go in :)

The pyramids are quite impressive. Took pics and test drive the camels and donkeys. After that they took us to shops with the standard procedure "getting ripped" but I got myself nice perfumes which pharaoh used and some nice papyrus paintings. Will post pics later.

Now I'm heading to museums. 

Me and my little friend