
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Someone knocked on my door

I had just returned home from the gym and was eating when the doorbell rang. Wondered if I had disturbed anyone and when I opened the door it was a guy that told me he found my wallet. Apparently I lost my wallet on the way home and he came to tell me that. Made me really happy and invited him to come in. I asked if he wanted money for this but he didn't and it would be difficult because I didn't have the wallet. He told me he left the wallet at the subway station where he found it. I invited him in and didn't have anything to offer exept gingerbread. We talked about random stuff and after a while we went back and I got my wallet.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Back from break

Hi all!

During my absense I participated in business to business event with my company and it went great. Got some meetings and went to my first one yesterday. It went great so I will meet up with them for a second meeting. Got some more booked so hope that I can reach some deals or become a partner.

Going well at the gym but I gained some weight but also muscles. If a can get ripped it would look nice :)

Check this dude. Impressive and got selfconfidence!