
Sunday 30 March 2014


I wrote about the movie Gravity that won one or two Oscars. It sucked balls and yesterday I saw another kind of movie with other kind of balls. The movie had characters with balls of steel. I saw Rush that's about two of the best Formula 1 drivers at their time, Niki Lauda and James Hunt. It was a great movie about the lives of James and Niki on and off track. See it if you haven't.

Niki Lauda: A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

Yesterday I went out with a friend and I got more than I wished for. A clumsy bartender dropped liquorice shots over my back and jeans. He didn't even say he was sorry...

Thursday 27 March 2014

Beggar with modern technology

We are moving to a cashless society and I usually don't carry cash. Yesterday while I was in town a beggar asked for some cash but I didn't have any so he asked me if I can transfer with mobile payment over the phone. I was a little flabbergasted. I didn't expect that. I started to wonder that a beggar carry a smartphone because he needs one for mobile payment. But he had a positive attitude so agreed to that. It didn't stop there. He also told me how much money he preferred me to transfer to him :)

Wednesday 26 March 2014

3D, IRS and gloves

I'm not so fond of 3D movies but I watched Gravity yesterday. The best part of the movie was the ending because the movie ended. It sucked balls. I could have written a better story. Today I watched the first The Hobbit movie. Need to refresh my mind before I watch the sequel.
Closest you can get to be like Morpheus is to wear these clip-on 3D-glasses
From movies to something else. A friend gave me a pair of gloves which he says he loaned to me afterwards. I told him he will get them back, when its warm outside. He won't get them back. I lost them yesterday. But what the heck I got papers from IRS or Skatteverket like its called in Sweden. I will get a nice present. We can call it vacation money. Last couple of years the tradition was reverse. Its a good day for me, not for Johan, the owner of the gloves.

Johan, you can buy new pair at aliexpress.com.

Tuesday 25 March 2014


On my way home yesterday I saw a pickpocket running away from the subway on my way home. I didn't know that he was a thief until I saw the victim complain and by then the thief was gone. Too bad. I really wanted to give the thief kisses with my fists. Wanted to test my MMA-skills on him. I'm known by friends as undefeated, undisputed champion with solid record of 0-0-0.

Now I'm going to watch a 3D-movie or something.

Monday 24 March 2014

Going out, round 2

I went out yesterday with two friends. We went to Stureplan and I noticed that one of my friends did wear sneakers that looked like running shoes. I don't want to mention my friend by name out of respect to his privacy but we can call him Tony. Told the pinhead that he should have chosen other pair of shoes for the evening so he wouldn't get rejected by the bouncers and he wasn't worried about it.

What happened? The bouncer told Tony that he couldn't go in with those shoes.... We had to go home and get a more suited pair of shoes for Tony and go back.

Stureplan doesn't show mercy.

Today I didn't do much. Took a 45 min powernap during the day and woke up two hours later remembering that I lost my booking for the laundry room... 

Did watch some TV too. Watched soccer game El Classico between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Tony gave me his opinion about my blog by laughing at it.

Tony's real name is Oscar

Friday 21 March 2014

New sneakers

 Old to the left and new to the right. They all looked good but finally I took the blue.

But now I remembered that I might visit a friend in San Francisco and maybe I can buy stuff there instead. Should I keep these or not? 

Something that I've kept and started eating from today

Vending machines..

Sometimes I buy from vending machines while waiting for the subway.

First buy stuck so I thought I can buy another and get both. I didn't want to dunk on the vending machine in front of all people.

Second buy too..

After third try I didn't take a photo. I just tackled the FREAKIN vending machine when it also stuck.

Sold my mum's iphone

I still keep the tradition on writing late. Today's news tomorrow. Like a newspaper.

I had to check if it's spelled mom or mum and apparently its spelled mom in US and mum in UK, FYI.

Well I've been tired lately because I got cold. Since December I've started taking vitamin D supplements and Omega-3. The risk that I get sick drastically reduces when I started taking supplements. If I get cold I don't get sick as bad as I usually do. I've got cold since Monday or Tuesday and I feel better already.

Back to the topic then. I borrowed my mum's old iphone when mine broke and now I put an add for sale when I got a new one. I forgot to mention that it was locked to Tele2. When the child and dad came and checked it out I had to unlock the phone. It took time and while they waited I let the 64 year old dad work out on the exercise bike. Then asked him if he wanted to test my body composition monitor, in other words my advanced scale. He wanted that so told him to take of his socks and stand on the scale to check his body fat, muscle fat, metabolic age/burn rate and more while I unlocked the phone. That part went well but the damn iphone didn't want to unlock so told him to come back in an hour. They live close by so wasn't a problem :)

I don't know how many readers I got but mainly Sweden. Got some Americans, Germans and one Chinese checkin it out. I'm going international!

Most of my readers use their mobile phone to check my blog. I don't know if the reason is because my blog is so interesting that they need to read on the move or you guys want to read trash on the move. Time will tell!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

My activity chart

Found a chart about my step activity during a day. This one was taken on Saturday 15/2. To the left you can see my nightly activity with friends and to the right probably doing cardio next day.

My friends chart next day would probably look like

Sunday 16 March 2014

Gym day and visit parents

Good evening friends!

I visited my parents yesterday. I knew that my dad was fixing stuff in the balcony and wanted me to help him. I planned myself to go to the gym before that until my mom called me and ordered me to come directly to them and help. I wouldn't mind being at the gym yesterday but didn't want parents getting pissed so skipped going to the gym.

Helped my dad and while I did that he talked to me like I'm two years old that don' know what to do :)

One nice thing though was I noticed that my dad was going to sell the family's exercise bike on the net and put stop to that. I confiscated it!

After visiting my parents I was invited to dinner at friends place. It was nice and after we watched gladiators and Starcraft 2 on TV. I don't usually watch Gladiators because it's boring.  They should change the concept of the games to make it more exciting. This is from one Gladiators posting at a bus stop I took.

Here is a beautiful gladiator. I don't know what she's called but we can call her Cleavage.

Here we can see her piercing. The young Dolph Lundgren dude seems to like it.

Here we can see a Lucy Liu Charlie's Angels copy with a sword. It would be really interesting if she used a sword in the contests. Then we can call it entertainment. Slice up the opponent if needed.

If it was up to me I would change the concept of the game. Switch so gladiators is the challengers. The participants should be like odd people in large team trying to stop the gladiators. Like physically weak nerds that don't exercise or have no coordination would fit perfect as candidates to the show. Would be more entertaining in my opinion.

Today I got time to go to the gym and came one step closer to reach my dream to become a gladiator.. 

After the gym my parents came over and visited me. My mom got pissed because I haven't washed the dishes and mom started cleaning. I told her we should do this more often but she replied that I should get a wife for that.

Anyway my parents came with the exercise bike today!

Watch out Nick. I will challenge you on the bike one day!

Friday 14 March 2014

One step closer to creating my own company

Good evening ladies and gentledudes!

This time I got in time to the start-up meeting that I missed on Wednesday. I didn't hear something I didn't knew at the meeting but it was mandatory before I can book advisory meetings for my business plan.

I'm going to start a company providing services in development, testing and support if you wonder.

After the meeting I went to the gym and did some fun stuff. It's Friday so ;)

I sold my car too. Finally... It took almost 6 months for it to be sold. 

But like many guys I will sooner or later replace you with a younger you. I will miss you though! Good luck my lady.

Power nap

I felt really tired today so decided to take a nap before going to the gym and slept to long. Supposed to be the motivator but no motivation this time.

What the heck. It's Friday baby and be ready to party! To welcome weekend I have a clip from an event called Out of Office that is staged last Friday every month. In the clip you can see The artist Dr. Alban and some dancers.

It was a nice Friday, that Friday! You can see the balls flying around. I sent one of those and hit one of the dancers in the head and next time I sent one that landed on the DJ-set and turned of the music.

Well get ready for Friday!

Thursday 13 March 2014

My empty tuna cans

This is how my collection of empty tuna cans look like

Would be nice if they where worth something like recycling cans :) Atleast tuna is rich on proteins. Today I will focus on biceps and back at the gym.

Stockholm start-up

It seem to become a tradition to post so late. Will work on that for all my readers if I have any!

Today I had a meeting for people that want to start their own company. I felt excitement over coming one step closer but I missed the subway and they won't let anyone in 5 minutes after they start the meeting. The meeting started 16:45 and I had to run my ass of to get there to 16:50. I ran like Usain Bolt. When I arrived they told me the meeting started 16:30. Mixed up the time :)

Well, I got some warm-up and went to the gym instead all sweaty.. so I did something today!

If you think of starting a company in Sweden you should check www.startupstockholm.se

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Motivate my dad

It's only 3 in the morning and I thought it's time for a new post.

I've been trying for a long long time to encourage my dad to workout but haven't succeed. The other day I told him that I will give him 1000 Kr for each kilo he drops. That's around 150 dollars each kilo. My mother wasn't fond of it but if I can't motivate my dad I need to change tactic.

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner orlater have to find time for illness.
Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby, speech (1873)

It took me some time to remember this good quote. I had to "Google it".

Will update you if this will work in a week or two!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

My first post

Good evening my friends!

This is a big day or more correctly night because writing my first post around midnight. I started this blog a couple of weeks ago but I didn't put time on posting on it until now.

So who am I? am I the dude with the blog you've been waiting for?

Probably not!

Not the dude or the blog, BUT maybe you'll find time read what's on my mind or how my day was. Maybe my posts can entertain you or inspire you to open your eyes or see things in a different perspective.

For now you can call me Baselito, your personal motivator. Yes, your personal motivator. I set the bar high thinking I can motivate people but time will tell if I'll live up to that name. What will I write about is determined by what I've experienced during my day.