
Sunday 11 January 2015

Master cleanse diet

I'm trying to restart my body with master cleanse diet. For those that doesn't know about the diet it's about cleaning the body from toxins. You stop eating food for 10 days during this diet. It's hard and I failed. I eat some food.

You can google about the recipe and what it does. Just search for master cleanse diet/detox.


If you're going to do the saltwater flush, please stay at home!

Monday 5 January 2015


I've tested driving for Uber for two weeks and at the same time I can promote my company for people riding with me. I also like to meet new people. It's quite nice. Change of environment and get advices what to do in my company to achive my goals. Sometimes I pickup friends siblings or common friends.

If it works well I'm going to create a taxi firm that can generate money while I'm building up my IT company.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

I'm a bad blogger but I'm here boys and girls

I've been busy with my company and my dads cancer.

I've sent my first invoice to a customer and I bought a company car. It's not like my old BMW and it's ugly but it's a very good car. I will get myself an BMW later so this is just temporary.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Someone knocked on my door

I had just returned home from the gym and was eating when the doorbell rang. Wondered if I had disturbed anyone and when I opened the door it was a guy that told me he found my wallet. Apparently I lost my wallet on the way home and he came to tell me that. Made me really happy and invited him to come in. I asked if he wanted money for this but he didn't and it would be difficult because I didn't have the wallet. He told me he left the wallet at the subway station where he found it. I invited him in and didn't have anything to offer exept gingerbread. We talked about random stuff and after a while we went back and I got my wallet.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Back from break

Hi all!

During my absense I participated in business to business event with my company and it went great. Got some meetings and went to my first one yesterday. It went great so I will meet up with them for a second meeting. Got some more booked so hope that I can reach some deals or become a partner.

Going well at the gym but I gained some weight but also muscles. If a can get ripped it would look nice :)

Check this dude. Impressive and got selfconfidence!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Bad week

I thought my teeth were good but I had a hole and haven't visited the dentist for over 10 years. It's not cheap to go to the dentist but could have been cheaper if I did regular checks. Thought my bad day would be the only day this week but a suprize waited me...

I borrowed my dads extra car and it decided to give up on me on worst place possible. Central bridge in Stockholm. It didn't end there. I didn't have a hook so couldn't be pulled of the road either. Had to call a tow truck to make my week more pricy..

Tuesday 14 October 2014