
Thursday 10 April 2014

Bono in my nightmare

I had a nightmare yesterday. Bono from U2 stole my Lamborghini. It might not sound scary but he fucked up me sleep and I woke up haha. I don't know how the dream started but I was just driving and Bono came up alongside the car when I was driving slowly past him. He tried to open my door but I luckily escaped before he could do that. The stupid thing was that I drove around the block in circles to pass him again. I don't know why but dreams are stupid sometimes. Maybe I wanted to test my luck?

In the end he stole my car....

Bono vs me 1-0

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Contacted Bose

I wrote about my pink earphones that I got as replacement in an earlier post. I had to chose pink because it was the only one the store had that had an armband that fit iPhone 5S. The store only had green armband that fit 4S. I wrote that I will probably talk with Bose if they can exchange my pink set to this green one with an armband that fit an iPhone 5S. 

Most of my friends wouldn't even try to ask because they are pussies ;) They would probably think it won't work. Bose didn't exchange my earplugs and the rest of the set. But I didn't get empty handed. Bose told me to get the color I wanted and they would send me the green armband that fit 5S. So I changed to the green earplugs.
Bose SIE2i

Remember to get motivation and believe that you can or at least try to get what you want. What do I have to lose?

Monday 7 April 2014


I regret that I sometimes wasn't open to people how I felt and that they wasn't open how they felt about me. Things would have been so much easier.

From sad memories to good ones. I was at a budget-meeting today and one participant asked the lecturer about his degree and most of the reply I have already forgot except the part where he said: In Uppsala they read, in Gothenburg they study and in Lund they get laid. The lecturer is an old man and he had a big smile on his face. He's from Lund :)

Sunday 6 April 2014

How to socialize

Went out with friends and one of my friends is really good starting conversations with people so asked him if he could show me in action and instead he got himself thrown out of the pub under 30 seconds. I haven't laughed so much in a long time :)

Friday 4 April 2014

Ice cream

It's Friday so lets buy ice cream for the weekend.

It's made of 70% yogurt.

I've cheated on Ben & Jerrys this time ;)

Thursday 3 April 2014

Not much to say

Haven't done much lately. I've been eating and watching movies and lifting weights. Not much to write in other words.

Couple of weeks ago a tree fell after breaking in two pieces. In Sweden we wait until it breaks and maybe kills someone before we take action.
This tree is still standing for now...

From falling trees to my volume button on my in-ear plugs stopped working and the store didn't have an replacement because they stopped selling the product. They offered me a similar product but didn't like what they offered and they finally gave in and let me upgrade to the real deal from BOSE. The bad is they are purple. I had to chose it because purple was the only one with an armband that iphone 5S could fit in that they had. 

I will probably be asked many times why I choose that color. I will try to contact BOSE and see if they want to help me when I get my earplugs. I will try atleast!

Tuesday 1 April 2014

From idea to entrepreneurs - Start-up meeting 2

Today or more correctly yesterday since it's a new day I had a meeting about how to take an idea and make business from it. It started me getting stuck on the subway...

When I came couple of minutes late I thought I entered the wrong room. It was filled with women. Thought I entered a meeting for women creating companies. I know there is meetings like that but it was the right place. Over 80% of the participants were women. I was surprised. Didn't expect that coming. Asked why and got the answer that men probably just do things and fix later while women are more careful and plan more before taking the step.

Besides that, I saw the movie Prisoners starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. It was good, but not WOW-good.